Posts Tagged ‘parental rights’
Has 2020 Been the Best of Times?
To steal from Dickens, 2020 has been the best of times, and it has been the worst of times. You don’t need my help to understand the “worst of times,” so let me take a moment to share how it has been “the best of times” for your Parental Rights Foundation and invite you to…
Read MoreCelebrate Giving Tuesday with the Parental Rights Foundation
December 1, 2020, is Giving Tuesday, the holiday when we give back by donating to our favorite charities. And this year the Parental Rights Foundation is setting our biggest goal ever so we can continue to help innocent families in need. This year, generous partners have offered a matching grant of up to $45,000, so…
Read MoreElection Results and Your Parental Rights, with Joel Grewe
How will the election results affect your parental rights? This week, Michael talks with Joel Grewe, director of Generation Joshua and Councilman of the town of Purcellville, Virginia. Joel breaks down what we know about the 2020 election results so far, and how your family and parental rights will be affected by the new political…
Read MoreAnother Texas Family Victory
Should parents be investigated for physical abuse because they put their baby down for a nap and the baby cried? One Texas judge said yes, requiring the parents to submit to a search of their home and forensic interviews with their children. But on October 14, the Court of Appeals for the Twelfth District of…
Read MoreDo Children Have a Right to Family Privacy?
Ideas that take root in the United Nations have an unsettling tendency to eventually make their way into America’s courtrooms. That’s why the Parental Rights Foundation submitted a comment to the United Nations’ Special Rapporteur on Child Privacy last month, urging respect for the privacy of the child’s family and home, and not just the…
Read MoreSchooling After COVID, with Kerry McDonald
As school starts up again, what will be the new normal for post-pandemic learning? How should parents respond? Education expert Kerry McDonald is a Senior Education Fellow at FEE, an adjunct scholar at the CATO Institute, and author of Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Education Children Outside the Conventional Classroom. Kerry explains some strategies that parents are…
Read MoreThree-Fourths of Rescued Children Came from Foster Care
According to a US Marshals Service (USMS) spokesman quoted by PJ Media, more than three-fourths of children recently rescued in two Marshals Service operations originally went missing from foster care placements. Over the last month, we have rejoiced over headlines such as “US Marshals find 39 missing children in Georgia during ‘Operation Not Forgotten’,” and…
Read MoreInnocent Parents Removed from Abuse Registry in New York
A timely letter drafted for the Parental Rights Foundation was sufficient to remove one couple’s names from the New York State child abuse registry, proving once again that the names should never have been added in the first place. Legal Context Under New York law, doctors are required to administer a vitamin K shot to…
Read MoreKentucky Court Rejects Immunity Claim
Thanks to a ruling in a federal district court in Kentucky last week, a child welfare investigator can no longer claim qualified immunity for bullying their way into a home and strip-searching children without cause. The case, Josiah Curry, et al v. Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services, et al, arose from a 2017…
Read MoreSave the Date: Steubenville Parental Rights Conference 2021
A Conference on Parental Rights has been scheduled at the Franciscan University of Steubenville (Ohio) on April 9–10, 2021. The conference, which will feature more than a dozen scholars and professional experts speaking on a wide range of parental rights issues, is sponsored by the Parental Rights Foundation, the Franciscan University of Steubenville Veritas Society,…
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