Big News in Our Federal Lawsuit Against DC’s Minor Consent Act

Last Thursday, March 3, US District Judge Trevor McFadden heard oral arguments in the Parental Rights Foundation’s suit to end the DC Minor Consent Act. The law, passed in late 2020, forces DC children as young as 11 years to make their own decisions regarding vaccinations by making the child’s own consent legally binding, without…

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Reasonable Independence

View the model as adopted by the American Legislative Exchange Council. A “Reasonable Independence” bill (formerly “Free Range Parenting”) is simple common sense. This model clearly excludes from a state’s definition of “neglect” a host of reasonable decisions any parent could make to allow their child to grow in independence and responsibility. Decisions like allowing…

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Passing the Parents’ Bill of Rights, with Rep. Erin Grall

This week, Jim sits down with Florida State Rep. Erin Grall, sponsor and architect of the recently passed Florida Parents’ Bill of Rights. Erin tells us about the long road to this historic victory for Florida parents, and how grassroots involvement from local parents helped the bill gain traction. Plus, hear about how this bill…

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A Bill of Rights for Parents, with Patti Sullivan

Florida parents are celebrating a historic victory – the successful passage of a Parents’ Bill of Rights in their state. This week, Michael talks with Patti Sullivan,’s Florida State Coordinator, and a long-time advocate for families and parental rights. Patti was deeply involved with the passage of this bill, and she explains how this…

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Foundation Ideas Fuel Victories for Parents

Even when we’re not working, we’re still working. That’s the realization I came to recently when three parental rights bills in three different western states all passed on the same day—and we didn’t have to oversee any of them. I recently wrote about the amazing work that parental rights volunteers are doing in states like…

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DC Bill 23-171 with Rolf Hazelhurst

Imagine if your 11-year-old child could receive medical procedures without your knowledge or approval. What exactly is DC Bill 23-171, the Minor Consent to Vaccination Act, and why are we so concerned with stopping this legislation?  Rolf Hazlehurst is a senior attorney with Children’s Health Defense and has been actively engaged in the practice of…

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Don’t Miss It: Parental Rights Podcast Hits Amazing Stride

If you haven’t listened to the Parental Rights Foundation’s EPPiC Broadcast podcast lately, you might want to check it out again. There’s an onslaught of concerning topics and dangerous legislation being discussed in Congress and the media right now. Our guests are here to share with you how these different issues relate to parental rights…

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What to do with the Adoption and Safe Families Act?

Could the new Congress and the Biden administration open the door to amend the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA)? That is our hope at the Parental Rights Foundation, and that of United Family Advocates, the bipartisan coalition of which we are a cofounder and active part. Wrong Incentives First adopted in 1997, ASFA offers…

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Blacklisted for Not Seeking Unnecessary Treatment

Cases like this are why the Parental Rights Foundation works to demand due process through child welfare reforms. Recently, a West Coast couple had their names added to their state’s child abuse and neglect registry for not getting their child medical attention that the child didn’t need. If that sentence made sense to you, you…

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Former Magistrate Addresses “Educational Rights”

This week the Parental Rights Podcast features William Wagner’s discussion with our president, Jim Mason, about a Michigan law that would establish a “right” for all children to receive government-controlled education. Wagner is a former diplomat, federal prosecutor, and magistrate judge, a distinguished professor emeritus of law, and the president of Salt and Light Global.…

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