Keep the Victories Coming

Victor Booth (pictured with his family) won a preliminary injunction against DC’s Minor Consent to Vaccination bill on March 18, 2022. Victor Booth had every reason to be concerned for his children. As a father, he knew their medical history and the risks an unnecessary vaccine could mean to them personally. And as a Christian,…

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Let Our Podcast Inspire and Empower You

Are you: Wherever you find yourself when it comes to podcasts, the Parental Rights Foundation has you covered! You see, for the past three years, the Parental Rights Foundation has hosted our very own podcast, the EPPiC Broadcast: Empowering Parents, Protecting Children. Our podcast features personal stories, breaking news, and insightful commentary from experts across…

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We Need Your Help

Photo: Pennsylvania Coordinator and Parental Rights Foundation board members Vickie and Paul Suarez at an event inside the Pennsylvania Capitol in Harrisburg in February 2022. Fifteen years.  Because of you and your generosity, our parent organization,, has existed for 15 years with a single mission: to protect children by empowering parents. And that’s the…

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Breaking: District Court Grants Injunction against DC Minor Consent Act

In a tremendous win for parents, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on Friday issued a preliminary injunction against DC’s Minor Consent for Vaccinations Act Amendment of 2020 (MCVA). This is the latest decision in the Parental Rights Foundation’s case against this dangerous law. Passed by the DC Council, the MCVA…

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Big News in Our Federal Lawsuit Against DC’s Minor Consent Act

Last Thursday, March 3, US District Judge Trevor McFadden heard oral arguments in the Parental Rights Foundation’s suit to end the DC Minor Consent Act. The law, passed in late 2020, forces DC children as young as 11 years to make their own decisions regarding vaccinations by making the child’s own consent legally binding, without…

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New President: “Last week was very successful!”

Dear Parental Rights friends, Last week was a great week for Parental Rights across the nation, and this is just the beginning. It started off on Giving Tuesday, when, because of your generosity, we raised over $60,000 in just 24 hours. And a few hours later, I took off for my first trip representing parents…

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Parents Issue Wake-up Call in Virginia

Will you help us ride the wave? “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” said Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe in a debate on September 28, 2021. Those twelve words will live on in infamy in electoral politics. Mr. McAuliffe had led every poll until then. His party comfortably won…

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Foundation Sues Virginia AG Mark Herring, Challenges New Virginia Statute

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE//October 28, 2021//Richmond, VA — The Parental Rights Foundation, on behalf of a Virginia family, today sued Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, challenging a new Virginia statute that says parents may not consider religion when hiring a babysitter. Jane and Scott adopted their daughter, M.W., in 2015. Because M.W. has medical conditions, the…

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EPPiC Talk: Judge Lays Out Blueprint for Keeping Families Together

There is actually a blueprint for keeping children out of foster care and protecting families from unnecessary intrusion, even under existing law. And that blueprint was spelled out in a recent EPPiC Broadcast episode with retired family court judge Ernestine Gray. The EPPiC Broadcast is the official podcast of the Parental Rights Foundation. In our…

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DC Lawsuit Decision Delayed for More Evidence

Parental Rights Foundation president Jim Mason presented oral arguments before a federal court on September 2 in the matter of our lawsuit against the District of Columbia to halt its Minor Consent to Vaccination Act of 2020. At the conclusion of the hearing, the court stated that it would like to hear more evidence on…

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