Posts Tagged ‘updates’
Parental Rights Fundamental in 18 States
On June 16, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey signed into law House Bill 6, a bill championed by State Representative Kenneth Paschal to codify parental rights as fundamental in the state’s code. The bill was based closely on the model bill that we drafted and recently presented to the American Legislative Exchange Council, so we were…
Read MoreThe Significance of the Parents’ Bill of Rights Act
The following, by Parental Rights Foundation president Will Estrada, originally appeared at on Monday, April 24: On March 24, the U.S. House of Representatives—for the first time in recent memory—stood with parents. H.R. 5, Louisiana Congresswoman Julia Letlow’s bill “The Parents’ Bill of Rights Act,” provides concrete protections for parents of children in our…
Read MoreParental Rights are on the move on Capitol Hill – please call Congress now!
It’s an exciting time in our nation’s Capital. It seems that, after several years of inaction, your passion and commitment to your children is paying off as Congress is finally taking action to protect children by empowering parents. First up, as we told you last week, is the Parental Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.…
Read MoreWatch: Why Pass Parental Rights State Laws?
Today fifteen states protect parental rights as fundamental rights in state law. So, it’s very exciting that almost fifteen more states (currently 12) have introduced or are expected to introduce similar measures this legislative session. If every one of those were to pass—a longshot, I know—we would nearly double the number of states protecting our…
Read MoreParental Rights Foundation Files Amicus Brief With Texas Supreme Court
On Friday, we filed a major amicus curiae (Latin for “friend of the court”) brief with the Texas Supreme Court in a grandparent visitation case. Our brief argued that courts should not overrule parents’ wishes unless the parents are proven to be unfit by “clear and convincing” evidence. You can read the brief here. We…
Read MoreOur Biggest Court Victory of 2022!
It was our biggest court victory of 2022: the District of Columbia surrendered to a preliminary injunction against DC’s Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2020, choosing to settle out of court and repeal their law rather than appeal their case. You may recall that the law would have allowed children as young as…
Read MoreAction Needed: Please Go Vote!
Election Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, November 8. For many of us, casting our vote is the single-biggest action we can take to secure parental rights in state law, federal law, or the passage of a constitutional amendment. It is time to get out and vote! On October 18, the Parental Rights Amendment was introduced in…
Read MoreCoordinated Efforts Came Together on “Banner Day”
October 18 was a banner day for the Parental Rights Foundation, as our team coordinated major legislative undertakings at the state and national level at the same time. First, we traveled north to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where Will Estrada testified before the Pennsylvania Senate’s State Government Committee. The subject was Senate Bill 996, the Parental Rights…
Read MoreNo, Teens Shouldn’t Be Required to Make Adult Decisions About Vaccines
This article by PRF president Will Estrada was originally published in The Federalist. Should laws be passed that cut parents out of the decision-making process when it comes to teens and vaccines? Yes, if you’re the Los Angeles Times Editorial Board, who support California Senate Bill 866, innocuously entitled “Minors: Vaccine Consent,” which could come up…
Read MoreProtecting Innocent Families from Rogue CPS Investigations
We recently shared with you about our work to introduce a model bill at the annual meeting of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) in Atlanta. Our model was drafted to ensure that innocent families know their legal rights when a child welfare investigator shows up at their door. The bill would help level the…
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