Posts Tagged ‘parental rights’
Under the Hood: Exciting Plans for 2023
“These are the times that try men’s souls.” Those are the words I used as I began a keynote speech recently at a gala in Houston, Texas. Those words weren’t something a politician said on the nightly news the other evening. These were the words of Thomas Paine in a pamphlet he wrote titled “The…
Read MoreOur Biggest Court Victory of 2022!
It was our biggest court victory of 2022: the District of Columbia surrendered to a preliminary injunction against DC’s Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2020, choosing to settle out of court and repeal their law rather than appeal their case. You may recall that the law would have allowed children as young as…
Read MoreDouble Your Investment in Parental Rights Today Only
Today is #GivingTuesday, the day set aside to “give back” by supporting charities and nonprofits you care about. And thanks to our generous supporters, any gift up to a total of $15,000 to the Parental Rights Foundation will be matched today only. That means that for every dollar you give to support our work in…
Read MoreWe Are Thankful!
The holiday season is upon us, and we have so much to be thankful for in 2022! First, we are thankful for the major victory won this year over a dangerous DC law that would have allowed children as young as 11 to give legally binding consent for vaccinations. Children need the wisdom and guidance…
Read MoreAction Needed: Please Go Vote!
Election Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, November 8. For many of us, casting our vote is the single-biggest action we can take to secure parental rights in state law, federal law, or the passage of a constitutional amendment. It is time to get out and vote! On October 18, the Parental Rights Amendment was introduced in…
Read MoreCoordinated Efforts Came Together on “Banner Day”
October 18 was a banner day for the Parental Rights Foundation, as our team coordinated major legislative undertakings at the state and national level at the same time. First, we traveled north to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, where Will Estrada testified before the Pennsylvania Senate’s State Government Committee. The subject was Senate Bill 996, the Parental Rights…
Read MoreParental Rights Foundation Launches Internship Program to Invest in Future Leaders
One of the most exciting aspects about our work to defend and advance parental rights in our nation is the knowledge that this work is all about the future: the future of our children, the future of our families, the future of our nation, and the future of 100 years of U.S. Supreme Court precedent…
Read MoreSchool Board Parental Rights Resolution
Education experts agree that the best education outcomes are achieved when parents are actively involved in their child’s education, even if—perhaps especially if—that education takes place in the public schools. And the U.S. Supreme Court has long held that parents have a fundamental right to direct the upbringing and education of their children. These two…
Read MoreWe’re Shaping Major National Events
Last week I had the privilege of attending the Home School Legal Defense Association’s National Leaders Conference in St. Louis, Missouri. I hosted a table for the Parental Rights Foundation and, where I made connections, answered questions, and generally got to discuss our cause with some wonderful, like-minded leaders in homeschooling. Then, on the…
Read MoreParental Rights Foundation Joins Amicus Brief to Defend the First Amendment From Federal Overreach
A few members of the Parental Rights team preparing a mailing in the office. From left to right, Michael Ramey, Natalie Clarke, Will Estrada. On Tuesday, the Parental Rights Foundation joined over fifty organizations, individuals, and elected officials in an amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) brief to the Federal District Court for the Middle…
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