Posts Tagged ‘legal news’
Breaking: Foundation Goes to Court September 2
The federal court hearing our lawsuit against DC’s Minor Consent to Vaccination Act announced yesterday that oral arguments have been scheduled for September 2. The Foundation filed suit on behalf of Shanita Williams, Victor Booth, and two other sets of parents to halt the Minor Consent Act in mid-July, and the court agreed to a…
Read MoreLitigants: It Takes Love and Discernment to Raise Kids. DC’s New Law Undermines Both.
Photo: Victor Booth and his family. We sent reporter Dave Dentel to talk with Victor Booth and Shanita Williams, two parents who filed the DC lawsuit, asking them why halting the Minor Consent to Vaccination Act matters to them. This is what we learned: Victor Booth wants his sons to be more than just the…
Read MoreALEC Unanimously Adopts Confidential Reporting Model
On July 28, the Health and Human Services Task Force of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) voted unanimously to endorse model legislation to require confidential reporting to child abuse hotlines. The model, drafted by the Parental Rights Foundation and our allies, would put an end to anonymous hotline reports, which too often are used…
Read MoreWhat’s at Stake in the DC Lawsuit?
The lawsuit we filed in federal court against the District of Columbia this month is not about four families who don’t want to vaccinate their children. Rather, it is about every parent, every family, every child, and it is about every decision you will make for your child, especially if a government official disagrees with…
Read MorePRF Lawsuit Takes Positive First Step, Needs Help
The Parental Rights Foundation is in the fight of our lives for parental rights, and we need you with us to succeed! On July 12, the Foundation filed suit in federal district court to halt a dangerous DC bill that would permit children as young as 11 to make a legally-binding decision regarding vaccinations, while…
Read MoreBreaking: Foundation Files Suit to Halt DC Minor Consent Law
The Parental Rights Foundation yesterday filed suit in federal court to halt DC’s Minor Consent Act of 2020. The Foundation issued the following press release to draw attention to this vital action: Foundation Files Suit to Halt DC Minor Consent Law FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE//July 12, 2021//Washington, DC — Today the Parental Rights Foundation, in conjunction…
Read MoreSupreme Court Issues Parental Rights Ruling in Free Speech Case
Last week the United States Supreme Court issued a significant parental rights ruling in Mahanoy v. B. L. Dubbed “the vulgar cheerleader case,” Mahanoy is primarily a First Amendment free speech case exploring whether a public school can discipline a student for vulgar speech made outside the school grounds on a private social media account…
Read MoreWhat to do with the Adoption and Safe Families Act?
Could the new Congress and the Biden administration open the door to amend the Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA)? That is our hope at the Parental Rights Foundation, and that of United Family Advocates, the bipartisan coalition of which we are a cofounder and active part. Wrong Incentives First adopted in 1997, ASFA offers…
Read MoreSpecial Announcement: Podcast Debuts Today!
Today is the day we launch the Parental Rights Podcast! Soon you will be able to stream or download from iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts, or Stitcher, but today you can get the earliest access to the premier episode right here at The first installment, hosted by Parental Rights Foundation President Jim Mason and Executive…
Read MoreSupporting Families in the Texas Supreme Court
He’s all she has left in the world, but he can’t protect her alone. He’s going to need our help. From the day she was born, Jaime (all names changed for privacy) was her dad’s princess and his world. And even when things between parents Brad and April fell apart, they still worked together to…
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