Welcome to the EPPiC Broadcast: Empowering Parents and Protecting Children. Featuring personal stories, breaking news, and insightful commentary, we’ll encourage and inform you on the issue of family and parental rights as you guide and protect that child who is your world.
The views and opinions expressed by our podcast guests are not necessarily those of the EPPiC Broadcast or the Parental Rights Foundation. In the interest of furthering our nonpartisan mission of educating the public about parental rights, we seek to feature a broad diversity of views and opinions relating to parental rights. If you have thoughts about our podcast or a particular podcast guest, we welcome your feedback at foundation@parentalrights.
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Parental Rights in Florida, with Patti Sullivan and Adriana Gonzales
In the third week of February, we’re celebrating the 15th anniversary of ParentalRights.org by talking with two volunteer State Coordinators! This week, Michael talks with Adriana Gonzales, former Florida State Coordinator for ParentalRights.org, and her successor, Patti Sullivan, now a long-time advocate for families and parental rights. Adriana and Patti share how they’ve worked to…
Joining the Parental Rights Movement, with Shaun Alexander and Ethan Demme
Welcome to week two of our celebration of 15 years of ParentalRights.org! This week, Michael talks with Shaun Alexander, 2005 NFL MVP and Vice President of the Parental Rights Foundation, and Ethan Demme, CEO of Demme Learning and former chairman of the Parental Rights Foundation Board. Shaun and Ethan share why protecting parental rights is important to…
15 Years of Parental Rights, with Michael Farris
In this first episode of our fourth season, we talk with Michael Farris, founding president of ParentalRights.org and currently the president and CEO of Alliance Defending Freedom. This month, ParentalRights.org is celebrating its 15th anniversary! To celebrate, we’re interviewing key figures from our organization’s history, beginning with our founding president. Michael explains to us why he…
Keeping Children with Their Parents, with Shanta Trivedi
Our child welfare system exists to protect children from harm. Yet, in most jurisdictions in America, courts fail to consider the trauma that children will suffer if they are removed from their parents. The best way to protect most children is to support their parents and families. This week, Michael talks with Shanta Trivedi, an Assistant…
The Right to Choose a Babysitter, with Peter Kamakawiwoole
A new law in Virginia makes it illegal for parents to choose babysitters based on shared beliefs. Not only does this new statue violate previously existing law, it represents a dangerous threat to parental rights. This week, Homeschool Legal Defense Association staff attorney Peter Kamakawiwoole, who has helped us to file suit against this law, joins us…
The Case for Blind Removals, with Dr. Jessica Pryce
Our child welfare system removes minority children from their parents’ homes at a much higher rate than white children. What if there were a way to remove racial biases from CPS child removals and end the over-representation of black and minority children in our child welfare system? This week, Michael talks with Dr. Jessica Pryce,…
Making More Time for Parents, with Andrew Brown
The 21st Century Children and Family Act, recently introduced into the House of Representatives, promises to reduce “legal orphans” in the foster care system by supporting families up front and keeping them together. Can we expect to see this change succeed? This week, Michael talks with Andrew Brown, a distinguished senior fellow of child and family…
Parents and the 2021 Virginia Election, with Generation Joshua
The recent Virginia gubernatorial election signaled a win for parental rights, arguably on a national level. Will the growing grassroots support for parental rights continue? This week, Michael talks with Joel Grewe and Jeremiah Lorrig, director and deputy director, respectively, of Generation Joshua — an organization dedicated to educating youth about the political process and…
What Will It Take to Reunite Families?, with Martin Guggenheim
The Adoption and Safe Families Act (ASFA) was passed in 1997 to keep children from languishing in foster care, but today it gives state agencies a cash bonus for breaking families apart. How did we get here, and what can we do to give families a fighting chance to stay together? This week, we talk…
The Problem with ASFA, with Jerry Milner
This week, Jim talks again with Jerry Milner, former Associate Commissioner of the Children’s Bureau in the US Department of Health and Human Services. Jerry now works with Family Integrity & Justice Works. Jerry explains why the Adoption and Safe Families Act, created in the 1980s, needs to be reformed to preserve families, rather than…
A Pandemic of Child Abuse?, with Anna Arons
In March 2020, we heard ominous warnings of ‘pandemic of child abuse’ accompanying the COVID-19 shut downs. Children went home, away from the watchful eyes of mandated reporters, and back to their families. But did cases of child abuse actually increase during the added stress of the pandemic? This week, Jim sits down with Anna…
Passing the Parents’ Bill of Rights, with Rep. Erin Grall
This week, Jim sits down with Florida State Rep. Erin Grall, sponsor and architect of the recently passed Florida Parents’ Bill of Rights. Erin tells us about the long road to this historic victory for Florida parents, and how grassroots involvement from local parents helped the bill gain traction. Plus, hear about how this bill…