EPPiC Talk: Judge Lays Out Blueprint for Keeping Families Together

There is actually a blueprint for keeping children out of foster care and protecting families from unnecessary intrusion, even under existing law. And that blueprint was spelled out in a recent EPPiC Broadcast episode with retired family court judge Ernestine Gray. The EPPiC Broadcast is the official podcast of the Parental Rights Foundation. In our…

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DC Lawsuit Decision Delayed for More Evidence

Parental Rights Foundation president Jim Mason presented oral arguments before a federal court on September 2 in the matter of our lawsuit against the District of Columbia to halt its Minor Consent to Vaccination Act of 2020. At the conclusion of the hearing, the court stated that it would like to hear more evidence on…

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A Pandemic of Child Abuse?, with Anna Arons

In March 2020, we heard ominous warnings of ‘pandemic of child abuse’ accompanying the COVID-19 shut downs. Children went home, away from the watchful eyes of mandated reporters, and back to their families.  But did cases of child abuse actually increase during the added stress of the pandemic?  This week, Jim sits down with Anna…

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Passing the Parents’ Bill of Rights, with Rep. Erin Grall

This week, Jim sits down with Florida State Rep. Erin Grall, sponsor and architect of the recently passed Florida Parents’ Bill of Rights. Erin tells us about the long road to this historic victory for Florida parents, and how grassroots involvement from local parents helped the bill gain traction. Plus, hear about how this bill…

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Standing up for Parents in Family Court, with Judge Ernestine Gray

During her time as a family court judge, foster care rates in her city dropped to just 10% of the national average. How did she do it? This week, Michael talks with former judge Ernestine Gray, who served for 35 years in the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court in Louisiana. Judge Gray explains how she prioritized…

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You’re Invited!

Join us for the Conference on Parental Rights at the Franciscan University of Steubenville October 15-16, 2021. The conference gathers world-renowned speakers to discuss modern challenges facing the traditional role of parents and the erosion of their rights “in recent decades as schools, the courts, and the state have appropriated larger and more far-reaching roles…

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What’s at Stake in the DC Lawsuit?

The lawsuit we filed in federal court against the District of Columbia this month is not about four families who don’t want to vaccinate their children. Rather, it is about every parent, every family, every child, and it is about every decision you will make for your child, especially if a government official disagrees with…

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Supreme Court Issues Parental Rights Ruling in Free Speech Case

Last week the United States Supreme Court issued a significant parental rights ruling in Mahanoy v. B. L.  Dubbed “the vulgar cheerleader case,” Mahanoy is primarily a First Amendment free speech case exploring whether a public school can discipline a student for vulgar speech made outside the school grounds on a private social media account…

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EPPiC Broadcast Launches Third Season

The Parental Rights Foundation is proud to announce the launch of season 3 of The EPPiC Broadcast, which debuted yesterday, June 1. The EPPiC Broadcast, whose name stands for “Empowering Parents, Protecting Children,” is the official podcast of the Parental Rights Foundation, first launched in January of last year. Since then, we have explored many…

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