Posts Tagged ‘Legal’
District Court Grants Injunction against DC Minor Consent Act
March 23, 2022, Washington, D.C.— In a tremendous win for parents, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on Friday issued a preliminary injunction against DC’s Minor Consent for Vaccinations Act Amendment of 2020 (MCVA). This is the latest decision in the Parental Rights Foundation’s case against this dangerous law. Passed by…
Read MoreBreaking: District Court Grants Injunction against DC Minor Consent Act
In a tremendous win for parents, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia on Friday issued a preliminary injunction against DC’s Minor Consent for Vaccinations Act Amendment of 2020 (MCVA). This is the latest decision in the Parental Rights Foundation’s case against this dangerous law. Passed by the DC Council, the MCVA…
Read MoreBig News in Our Federal Lawsuit Against DC’s Minor Consent Act
Last Thursday, March 3, US District Judge Trevor McFadden heard oral arguments in the Parental Rights Foundation’s suit to end the DC Minor Consent Act. The law, passed in late 2020, forces DC children as young as 11 years to make their own decisions regarding vaccinations by making the child’s own consent legally binding, without…
Read MoreDees v San Diego
Read the brief. A 9-year-old girl with special needs was taken from class to be interviewed by a child welfare investigator without a warrant, a judicial order, parental consent, emergency circumstances, or even probable cause. The mother sued for a violation of her parental rights, but the defense argued that the child wasn’t taken from…
Read MoreThe Babysitter Case
Read the Complaint In 2021 the Virginia legislature passed a bill amending the Virginia Civil Rights Act to make it illegal for parents to consider religion when hiring a babysitter. That’s a problem for devoutly religious parents who want to hire someone who shares their worldview and can help pass it on to the parents’…
Read MoreIn Re: CJC, Relator
Read the brief. He was all she had left in the world. But a judge removed her from his care and gave custody to her late mother’s fiancé. Could the court elevate the authority of this unrelated male to equal the role of the girl’s own father in her life? We argued in an amicus…
Read MoreDoe v Woodard
Read the brief. Child welfare investigations inflict harm on children. That’s the emphasis of our brief to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit in Doe v. Woodard, a case in which a three-year-old girl was strip-searched by a welfare investigator at her preschool without her parent’s knowledge or consent. The mother…
Read MoreFoundation Sues Virginia AG Mark Herring, Challenges New Virginia Statute
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE//October 28, 2021//Richmond, VA — The Parental Rights Foundation, on behalf of a Virginia family, today sued Virginia Attorney General Mark Herring, challenging a new Virginia statute that says parents may not consider religion when hiring a babysitter. Jane and Scott adopted their daughter, M.W., in 2015. Because M.W. has medical conditions, the…
Read MoreLitigants: It Takes Love and Discernment to Raise Kids. DC’s New Law Undermines Both.
Photo: Victor Booth and his family. We sent reporter Dave Dentel to talk with Victor Booth and Shanita Williams, two parents who filed the DC lawsuit, asking them why halting the Minor Consent to Vaccination Act matters to them. This is what we learned: Victor Booth wants his sons to be more than just the…
Read MoreALEC Unanimously Adopts Confidential Reporting Model
On July 28, the Health and Human Services Task Force of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) voted unanimously to endorse model legislation to require confidential reporting to child abuse hotlines. The model, drafted by the Parental Rights Foundation and our allies, would put an end to anonymous hotline reports, which too often are used…
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