Parental Rights News

There is a growing contest between government and families regarding who should be the primary decision maker for children. Scroll below for news items, and subscribe to our newsletters for updates, as we continue to monitor the news and share key stories and research.

Recent Parental Rights Foundation Newsletters

Check out our recent research, reports, and news stories on parental rights. Thank you for partnering with us to preserve parental rights!

Ninth Circuit Court Gets It Right

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit last week ruled in Demaree v. Pederson that there is no…


"Medical Ethics Concerns" in Review

Writing for the Family Defense Center in Chicago, George J. Barry and Diane L. Redleaf published their criticism of the…


"Bad Medicine" May Be Just What the Doctor Ordered

New Legal Paper Challenges the Charge of Medical Child Abuse The latest volume of the UC Davis Law Review features…

"Quick Takes" on Parental Rights News

Thanks to the partnership of concerned parents like you, we are able to monitor the news for issues that could affect parental rights. Here are some "quick takes" on news items. Please also see our news sections arranged by category: medical child abuse, disabilities, and child abuse prevention.

Why We Need “Confidential Reporting” Reform

Last week I attended the policy summit of the American Legislative Exchange Council, an association of conservative policy organizations, private…

Celebrate Giving Tuesday with the Parental Rights Foundation

December 1, 2020, is Giving Tuesday, the holiday when we give back by donating to our favorite charities. And this…

Oregon Order Set to Repeat History

An executive order in Oregon threatens parents’ ability to exercise their fundamental right to make education choices for their children.…