Podcast Provides Virtual Library of Parental Rights Expertise

I hear it all the time: “I found your website and I just want to know what my parental rights are.”
As it happens, our EPPiC Broadcast podcast is an excellent resource for answering that question. “EPPiC” stands for “Empowering Parents, Protecting Children.” And at the EPPiC Broadcast, we are partnering with experts in many different fields—from family defense lawyers and constitutional law attorneys to pediatricians and school board members—to build a virtual library of parental rights information.
Our ninth season launches on Tuesday, September 3 at 2pm EDT with special guest Christine Gottlieb, who was recently appointed Director of New York University’s Family Law Clinic and assistant professor of clinical law at NYU. In this episode, we’re talking about her decades-long journey in the area of family defense in New York, including what brought her to the clinic all those years ago and what stirs her passion most as she takes the law clinic’s reins.
Episode two features Kevin Boden of the Home School Legal Defense Association, an attorney who champions parental rights in a whole different arena. Kevin and I talk about a tragedy that occurred in West Virginia, and how it is leading lawmakers to consider adding new hoops for homeschooling parents in the state to jump through. That episode on September 10th includes Kevin’s take on the wisdom of that response and what concerned parents should be doing about it.
On September 17th, I’ll be talking with Vivek Sankaran, a law professor and family defense clinic director from the University of Michigan School of Law. Vivek and I discuss a recent Michigan Supreme Court decision related to two “Termination of Parental Rights” cases for which he was legal counsel. Our conversation also briefly touches on two amicus briefs submitted in the consolidated cases, including one by founding Parental Rights Foundation president Michael Farris and another by former EPPiC Broadcast guests Josh Gupta-Kagan and Martin Guggenheim.
Episode four features American College of Pediatricians Vice President Jane Anderson, who will unpack with me her 2022 white paper, “The Teenage Brain: Under Construction.”
And in Episode five I host Indian River Public School Board member Jackie Rosario to discuss her Florida district’s upcoming “Parental Rights and Appreciation Month” coming in October.
Perhaps the EPPiC Broadcast characteristic I am most proud of is that the list of scholars we feature covers a wide swath of the political spectrum. I am excited by how often I have experts on the program in back-to-back weeks who have probably never voted the same as one another in a presidential election.
In fact, later this season I want to bring on two such guests at the same time—one staunch Republican and one avowed Democrat—to talk about the biggest passion they have in common: Empowering parents to protect their children.
If you’ll pardon the pun, I think it’s going to be EPPiC!
These scholars understand that when it comes to protecting our children from government overreach, we are all in this together, regardless of zip code or party affiliation.
So, enjoy your Labor Day weekend, then tune in on Tuesday via Spotify, iTunes, or your media of choice to hear the EPPiC Broadcast to learn more about your parental rights and those who are working every day to defend them.
And pass it on to your family and friends, as well. Together, we can make this the biggest and best season of the EPPiC Broadcast yet!