Podcast Provides Virtual Library of Parental Rights Expertise

I hear it all the time: “I found your website and I just want to know what my parental rights are.” As it happens, our EPPiC Broadcast podcast is an excellent resource for answering that question. “EPPiC” stands for “Empowering Parents, Protecting Children.” And at the EPPiC Broadcast, we are partnering with experts in many…

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Parental Rights Win in Tennessee!

On Tuesday, May 28, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed into law Senate Bill 2749 (SB 2749), the Families’ Rights and Responsibilities Act. This law, which takes effect July 1, establishes that “[t]he liberty of a parent to the care, custody, and control of the parent’s child, including the right to direct the upbringing, education, health…

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Parental Rights Progress Pauses in Two States

I am so grateful for the support of readers like you, and the tireless efforts of state lawmakers and volunteers who push to build solid parental rights law at the state level. This year has seen several such efforts across the country, including two that have come to a “pause”: Alabama and Illinois. Alabama In…

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Foundation Joins Briefs, Submits Briefs in Michigan TPR Cases

Is it constitutionally acceptable to terminate a parent’s rights if their child can be protected and provided for by a less restrictive means? This is the legal question behind the appeals in two cases currently before the Michigan Supreme Court, and the Parental Rights Foundation has weighed in with a resounding “No!” In fact, we…

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Tennessee Parental Rights Bill Advances

The Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville This week, a bill in Tennessee to protect parental rights faced a highly contested subcommittee vote…and passed! House Bill 2936, the Family Rights and Responsibilities Act, was scheduled for a vote in the Children and Family Affairs Subcommittee of the Tennessee House on Tuesday, March 19. Opposing the bill…

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Announcing PRF’s New Board of Advisors

I couldn’t be more excited to tell you about a new development in the structure of the Parental Rights Foundation: We’ve formed a brand-new Board of Advisors! For 17 years, starting as ParentalRights.org in 2007 and then as the Parental Rights Foundation from 2014, our organization has gathered and shared some of the best scholarship…

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Week in Richmond Brings Mixed Results

Photo: Parental Rights Foundation President Michael Ramey at the Virginia State Capitol on on January 30, 2024. Two weeks ago, I alerted you to a bill in Virginia that would rob parents of important due process protections and let the Department of Social Services (DSS) coerce innocent parents into signing their children into the care…

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Parental Rights Legislation in Indiana, Virginia, and Elsewhere

The 2024 legislative session is in full swing in 40 states, so it’s not surprising that several of them have already introduced bills to address parental rights. In this email, I will focus on a few of these that already demand our attention. Good Indiana Bill Faces Opposition In Indiana, SB 46 would add a…

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California and Texas on the Same Path

It’s not often we see the California legislature following the same path as Texas. But that’s what happened this year when both states adopted laws to curtail or end anonymous reports to their child abuse hotlines, pushing for confidential reporting instead. Texas passed House Bill 63 on June 9 and it went into effect on…

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The Victories Start with You

We’ve been celebrating victories all summer, starting with the passage of a fundamental parental rights bill in North Dakota on May 6 and going through the passage of North Carolina’s Parents’ Bill of Rights by veto override on August 16, with wins in Iowa and Alabama along the way. But these wins and others like…

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