Breaking: Foundation Goes to Court September 2

The federal court hearing our lawsuit against DC’s Minor Consent to Vaccination Act announced yesterday that oral arguments have been scheduled for September 2.
The Foundation filed suit on behalf of Shanita Williams, Victor Booth, and two other sets of parents to halt the Minor Consent Act in mid-July, and the court agreed to a schedule that we hoped would see a ruling before school starts on August 30. The September 2 date for oral arguments means that goal is now off the table, but it also shows the court is taking our concerns seriously.
As part of the lawsuit process, the defendants responded to our original suit with a “motion to dismiss,” which asked the court to dismiss the case out of hand. In their brief, the district claimed our litigants lacked “standing” because, according to the brief, no harm had yet come to them or their families.
We responded to their motion with a brief of our own arguing that the litigants do in fact have cause to sue, that their parental rights under the Constitution and under DC and federal law are already being violated, and that the court should hear and decide the case. You can read that brief here.
This scheduling of oral arguments gives us and the district each the opportunity to further support the arguments made in our respective briefs—whether the case should be dismissed or whether these parents have “standing” to halt the law to protect their children and their parental rights.
We look forward to the chance to present our concerns in court next Thursday, and we will keep you posted as we continue the fight for parental rights in DC and around the country.
You can give to support this case and the ongoing work of the Parental Rights Foundation here.
Thank you for standing with us!
Michael Ramey
Executive Director