Posts by Parental Rights Foundation
Prepare to Be Shocked
Prepare to be shocked, or even angry. Imagine you are driving your young daughter home from preschool. You’ve just endured a child welfare investigation stemming from allegations that someone else physically abused your daughter, allegations which have thankfully been deemed unfounded. The intrusion was mercifully brief compared to many, and the investigator is now out…
Read MoreThe Law Versus Judge Lyris Younge
Photo from Google.Room 5A of the Philadelphia Family Court is one of those places parental rights go to die. Or it would be, if presiding judge Lyris Younge had her way. “She has the capacity to be a good judge,” one lawyer who has served before her told The Legal Intelligencer for a recent article,…
Read MoreDisproportionality of Minority Children in Child Welfare Cases
New Report Highlights Disproportionality in Child Welfare April 25, 2018 The Parental Rights Foundation has released a new report on disproportionality in the child welfare system. The report highlights data from 2016 (the most recent available) showing that nationally the rate of African American children in cases “substantiated” for abuse or neglect is 1.51 times…
Read MoreStrip Searches Harm Children
Three-Year-Old Girl Strip Searched Without Parental Knowledge Parental Rights Foundation & Friends File Vital Court Brief This morning the Parental Rights Foundation filed a friend of the court brief (“amicus brief”) with the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit in the case of Doe v. Woodard. Our brief provides the court scholarship…
Read MoreNinth Circuit Court Gets It Right
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit last week ruled in Demaree v. Pederson that there is no “qualified immunity” for investigators who remove children from a home without a warrant or exigent threat of serious physical harm to the child.This is a welcome decision from a court that had not always been…
Read MoreState of Parental Rights in America 2017
The Supreme Court once declared, “This primary role of parents in the upbringing of their children is now established beyond debate as an enduring American tradition.” Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972) at 232. So, how are we doing with that “enduring American tradition” today? Unfortunately, not so well. Even with advances in some…
Read More"Medical Ethics Concerns" in Review
Writing for the Family Defense Center in Chicago, George J. Barry and Diane L. Redleaf published their criticism of the sub-specialty of child abuse pediatrics. In studying the day-to-day practices of the profession, Barry and Redleaf found that more often than not the “experts” violate several core principles adopted and recognized by the American Medical…
Read MoreMother Arrested – Maryann Godboldo
Detroit resident Maryann Godboldo was arrested in 2011 after a 10-hour standoff with police and CPS who claimed she was not giving her daughter proper medication. The state later discontinued the medication as well, returned the daughter, and dropped the charges – until the appeals court and prosecutors in 2013 opted to go after her…
Read MoreNo Questioning Allowed – Scott and Jody Ferris
According to HSLDA, who is representing the Ferrises, “Scott and Jody Ferris faced hostile medical staff during Jodi’s postpartum care and lost custody of their newborn daughter when they simply questioned whether certain medical procedures were necessary.” [emphasis added] Thankfully, a judge returned their daughter the next day. The family sued “the hospital workers and a…
Read More"Bad Medicine" May Be Just What the Doctor Ordered
New Legal Paper Challenges the Charge of Medical Child Abuse The latest volume of the UC Davis Law Review features a powerful article by Maxine Eichner, J.D., Ph. D., which we are honored to make available to you at the Parental Rights Foundation website. In “Bad Medicine: Parents, the State, and the Charge of ‘Medical…
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