Action Needed: Please Go Vote!

Election Day is tomorrow, Tuesday, November 8. For many of us, casting our vote is the single-biggest action we can take to secure parental rights in state law, federal law, or the passage of a constitutional amendment. It is time to get out and vote!
On October 18, the Parental Rights Amendment was introduced in the US House of Representatives as House Joint Resolution 99. While there will not be time for the Amendment to move forward in this Congress, we are already discussing with our friends on the Hill an ambitious agenda to move the Parental Rights Amendment in the 118th Congress that will be sworn in early next year.
And just who will that Congress be?
That’s what we’re answering with our votes in the next few hours.
Many of you also have the chance to elect your state legislators and governors. And those are the people who will make it easier—or harder—to pass legislation in your state to protect parental rights as fundamental in state code, to do away with anonymous hotline calls, or to grant children reasonable independence without inviting accusations of parental neglect. You can click here to see the model bills we have successfully passed across the nation and which we are preparing to introduce in state legislatures nationwide next year.
So, while we will never tell you who you should vote for (we trust YOU as parents, grandparents, and supporters of parental rights to review all the candidates and issues that are important to you and to vote wisely), we urge you to get out and vote.
Please take this moment to exercise your tremendous power as a citizen of the United States of America to vote for the candidates who will protect your family!
Thank you for standing with us to protect children by empowering parents this Election Day.
Michael Ramey
Executive Director