Thank You for Making a Difference!

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Giving Tuesday is concluded, and we are so grateful!

All told, we’ve raised more than $13,900 for the cause of parental rights. We brought in this much in a single day, thanks to you!

But we’re not taking a break: Michael is spending the day today at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), to make connections and meet allies for the upcoming 2025 legislative session.

He wanted to share his thoughts about our Giving Tuesday results: “Though we fell short of our goal, I remain excited about all we are poised to do to promote parental rights in the coming year, and I am extremely grateful for everyone who gave and for every penny given.”

With your support, we believe we’re in a position to take advantage of the recent changes in Congress to make substantial pushes for parental rights in America. While the Parental Rights Foundation is a non-partisan organization with friends on both sides of the aisle, the current political landscape is ripe for big changes, and we hope to make that happen in the area of parental rights.

Thank you immensely for all of your support yesterday, and going into the new year.