Has 2020 Been the Best of Times?

To steal from Dickens, 2020 has been the best of times, and it has been the worst of times. You don’t need my help to understand the “worst of times,” so let me take a moment to share how it has been “the best of times” for your Parental Rights Foundation and invite you to…

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How One Dad Kept His Family Safe, with Chris Clay

He didn’t mind if his daughter spent time with the other significant people in her life, but that should be his decision to make, not the court’s. Right? This week, we talk with Chris Clay, the Texas dad who was forced to share custody of his daughter with an unrelated third party. In this episode,…

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Another Texas Family Victory

Should parents be investigated for physical abuse because they put their baby down for a nap and the baby cried? One Texas judge said yes, requiring the parents to submit to a search of their home and forensic interviews with their children. But on October 14, the Court of Appeals for the Twelfth District of…

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We Won! One Texas Family’s Victory

He wasn’t opposed to sharing his daughter’s time with other significant people in her life. But did the court have the power to make that decision for him? That was the question one Texas father took all the way to his state’s supreme court. And by way of an amicus curiae (or “friend of the…

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Victory for Parents at the Texas Supreme Court

A Texas Supreme Court ruling issued Friday constitutes a victory for parents everywhere, and especially for this father in Texas. “We are beyond excited!” the father told us in a Facebook message on Monday. “It’s our 2020 bright spot.” The case is In re C.J.C., Relator, and it’s one in which the Parental Rights Foundation…

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Supreme Court of Texas Hears Parent’s Rights Case

The Supreme Court of Texas held oral arguments on April 22 in the case of In re C.J.C., case number 19-0684, dealing with parental rights.     The case challenges a Texas law that allows a third party to sue a fit parent for visitation if the question at law is considered a continuation of an earlier custody…

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Supporting Families in the Texas Supreme Court

He’s all she has left in the world, but he can’t protect her alone. He’s going to need our help. From the day she was born, Jaime (all names changed for privacy) was her dad’s princess and his world. And even when things between parents Brad and April fell apart, they still worked together to…

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