Calls Needed to Advance Bill Protecting Parental Rights in Oklahoma Public Schools

On February 6, Senator Rob Standridge introduced SB95, prohibiting public schools from providing certain sexually explicit materials to students without written parental consent.  The act prohibits public schools from providing any “sexually explicit material including but not limited to any book or other written medium…to a student…without written consent from the student’s parent or legal…

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Parental Rights Celebrating Milestones

This week, we are celebrating a couple of milestones in the area of parental rights. First, the EPPiC Broadcast is celebrating the launch of its sixth podcast season with an episode featuring Ethan Demme of Demme Learning (and a member of the Parental Rights Foundation board). Ethan discusses his family’s contact with the foster care…

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Call Now for Parental Rights Amendment Original Cosponsors!

This is it! This is the exciting moment we’ve been waiting for! Rep. Debbie Lesko plans to reintroduce the Parental Rights Amendment in Congress in the first week of March, shortly after their upcoming recess. And that means right now is the time for your congressman to sign on as an original cosponsor. Cosponsors can…

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Watch: Why Pass Parental Rights State Laws?

Today fifteen states protect parental rights as fundamental rights in state law. So, it’s very exciting that almost fifteen more states (currently 12) have introduced or are expected to introduce similar measures this legislative session. If every one of those were to pass—a longshot, I know—we would nearly double the number of states protecting our…

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Now in Print: Parental Rights in Peril

Parental Rights in Peril, the book version of the Parental Rights Foundation’s 2021 Steubenville Conference on Parental Rights, is now in print and available at Amazon. (Remember, if you use Amazon Smile, a portion of the proceeds will go to the Parental Rights Foundation at no extra cost to you.) The work is edited by…

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Legislatures are Heating Up for the 2023 Session

It’s the time of year when many state legislatures convene for their new session, and already parental rights are a prominent issue in proposed new legislation. Some are “reasonable independence” bills, which aim to exclude from the definition of “neglect” certain activities some parents may reasonably allow their children to do on their own as…

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Parental Rights Fly-in Coming This March

I’m so excited! For the first time in nine years (and only the second time in our history), we are gathering our state coordinators from across the country for a Parental Rights Leadership Fly-in this March! You might think we have bigger things to be excited about right now, like the pending reintroduction of the…

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Launching the New Year with Exciting Events

Welcome to 2023! It’s going to be a huge year for parental rights, and we can’t wait to get it started! In the coming days, we’ll see state legislatures convene and take up legislation to support fundamental parental rights. And the Parental Rights Amendment is coming back to the U.S. Congress, as well! We’ll also…

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Parental Rights Foundation Files Amicus Brief With Texas Supreme Court

On Friday, we filed a major amicus curiae (Latin for “friend of the court”) brief with the Texas Supreme Court in a grandparent visitation case. Our brief argued that courts should not overrule parents’ wishes unless the parents are proven to be unfit by “clear and convincing” evidence.  You can read the brief here. We…

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