Give Them Peace

There is nothing more disturbing for a parent than finding out the government has come to push you aside in the life of your child. Whether it’s that knock on the door by a child welfare investigator or the realization that your child’s doctor or school administrator has gone behind your back and ignored your wishes, it is unsettling to think your best efforts for your child’s future are being undermined.
And what can you even do about it?
Too many families in America every day experience just this kind of anxiety. And that’s why our theme for Giving Tuesday this year is Give Them Peace.
And it’s more than a theme. It’s our desire for 2025.
By preserving the fundamental rights of parents to direct the upbringing, education, and care of their own children without undue government interference, we are giving peace to the parents whose decisions may not match those of their neighbors. I’m not talking about abuse or neglect (no one has a right to abuse a child!), but about the countless ways each of us might be a little bit different, from selecting our own vaccine schedule, to choosing how to educate our children, to who we allow them to spend time with.
We are also giving peace to children, who are entitled to the perception that their parents are Superman and Superwoman and can provide for their needs and protect them from every outside threat. I tell you, nothing robs a child of that needed security like seeing their parents suddenly helpless before an over-reaching government agent.
And we can give peace to entire family units by changing state and federal laws to reduce the number of instances where children are separated from their parents for such “heinous crimes” as being poor. Even where intervention is needed, we can give peace by finding ways to keep families together even while they receive the services they need.
Every law we pass or judge we persuade to keep families together and to reduce the trauma of state overreach, we are giving these families peace.
And that is where your Giving Tuesday gift to the Parental Rights Foundation this year will go: to promoting laws and court decisions to preserve families by protecting parental rights.
So please remember the Parental Rights Foundation this Giving Tuesday, December 3. Plan now to make your best gift on that date on our website at
Together, we will work for every family we possibly can, to Give Them Peace.
Thank you for standing with us.
Oh, and is there someone you could share this with so they can join the effort to Give Them Peace, as well?