URGENT: Contact Your Indiana Senator Today for Parental Rights Bill
Your parental rights—the liberty to direct the upbringing, education, and care of your minor children according to your own conscience—are not protected under Indiana law. But that can change, starting today.
Indiana Senate Bill 143 is being heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee this afternoon.
SB143 would establish in Indiana law that parental rights are fundamental and cannot be substantially burdened except to further a compelling governmental interest by the least restrictive means (called the “strict scrutiny” standard). Further, it provides recourse for parents whose rights are violated, to use this statute as a defense, or even to seek declaratory or injunctive relief or compensatory damages from the state agency who violates parental rights. This bill has teeth!
Please take a moment right now to email the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them to support SB 143. They are meeting this afternoon (right after the 1:30 session adjourns), so they need to hear from you right away!
(If you get this email later, go ahead and contact them anyway. If the bill is tabled for a later vote or if it passes to the floor, your message will encourage them to still vote “Yes!”)
Your message should be in your own words and can be something simple like this:
Honorable Senator _____,
I am deeply concerned by government overreach into private homes and families. Parents, not bureaucrats, know what is best for their minor children, and it is time we protect that parental role in Indiana law. I urge you to support SB 143 on Parental Rights as it comes to the Judiciary Committee this afternoon.
Thank you for your careful attention to this bill.
Then, please forward this email to other concerned Hoosier parents and urge them to contact their Senator, as well.
Senate Judiciary Committee
Here is a list of Senate Judiciary members and contact pages. Please contact your Senator and urge support. If your Senator is not on the list, please contact one or two of these, and then contact your Senator separately and ask them to support the bill when it comes out of committee.
This is exciting! The session just started on Monday, and today is the very first day committees are hearing bills. The author of this bill, Sen. Liz Brown, is also chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and she is moving the bill very quickly. But your help can ensure the bill keeps moving all the way to successful passage!
Please take just a moment right now to complete the contact form for your Senator and urge them to support this important bill. Together, we can protect children by empowering parents through Indiana law!