Confidential Reporting

View the model as adopted by the American Legislative Exchange Council.

“Weaponizing the system:” That’s what we call it when someone places an anonymous call to a child abuse hotline to gain some personal advantage. It may be a parent in a nasty divorce situation trying to gain custody or more parenting time by making the other parent look bad. It could be a relative who disagrees with a parent’s decision on homeschooling, or vaccination, or any number of other parenting choices we all make every day. It could be an angry neighbor looking to get back at someone they feel has wronged them in some way.

Just place your anonymous call to the hotline, and watch the family suffer an intrusive, yet meaningless, child welfare investigation.

This happens far too often today, and it not only damages families, but it also steals vital resources away from the effort to find children who really are in need of intervention.

Yet, anonymous calls are allowed in more than 40 of the 50 states.

So we’ve proposed a short model that provides a simple fix: stop anonymous reporting. Reporters’ identities can still be kept from the alleged abuser, to keep the caller safe from a truly violent individual. But the system itself needs to know who’s making the call. This will greatly cut down on false calls and will also allow the system to call a reporter back if they need new or corrected information.

This model, drafted by a bipartisan coalition of lawyers and family defenders and adopted by ALEC in 2021, is ready to be modified to address this issue in your state. It will save innocent families from trauma and free up resources to find children truly in need more quickly. It’s a win for everyone—except those weaponizing the system for their personal gain.

Read our full explanation here:

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  1. […] Kevin Avard, for introducing this critical piece of legislation. This legislation is based on a model bill that the Parental Rights Foundation shepherded through the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) a few years […]

  2. […] Kevin Avard, for introducing this critical piece of legislation. This legislation is based on a model bill that the Parental Rights Foundation shepherded through the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) a few years […]

  3. […] parents also testified in favor of the bill. You can read more about the importance of this bill here and listen to our podcast discussing this issue, airing on March […]

  4. […] Hampshire, House Bill 1612, which would replace anonymous reporting of child abuse and neglect with confidential reporting, passed the House on March 15 on a 175–161 vote and is pending in the […]

  5. […] Hampshire, House Bill 1612, which would replace anonymous reporting of child abuse and neglect with confidential reporting, passed the House on March 15 on a 175–161 vote and is pending in the […]

  6. […] Confidential Reporting […]

  7. […] Confidential Reporting […]