Posts Tagged ‘new york’
Legislative Update: Three Letters
Sometimes, the Parental Rights Foundation lets you know about legislation in the works in your state and urges you to contact your lawmakers to support (or, when necessary, to oppose) the bill in question. Other times, the proper approach is to send a letter of support (or opposition) to the appropriate lawmaker or committee. Already…
Read MoreA Pandemic of Child Abuse?, with Anna Arons
In March 2020, we heard ominous warnings of ‘pandemic of child abuse’ accompanying the COVID-19 shut downs. Children went home, away from the watchful eyes of mandated reporters, and back to their families. But did cases of child abuse actually increase during the added stress of the pandemic? This week, Jim sits down with Anna…
Read MoreInnocent Parents Removed from Abuse Registry in New York
A timely letter drafted for the Parental Rights Foundation was sufficient to remove one couple’s names from the New York State child abuse registry, proving once again that the names should never have been added in the first place. Legal Context Under New York law, doctors are required to administer a vitamin K shot to…
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