Posts Tagged ‘EPPiC podcast’
Homeschooling and Parental Rights, with Jim Mason
This week we talk with Jim Mason, president of the Home School Legal Defense Association and former president of and the Parental Rights Foundation. In this episode, Jim explains how homeschooling has grown from its fringe roots in the 70’s into an enduring education option today, with abundant resources to help parents best educate…
Read MoreThe Case for Abolishing Family Court, with Jane Spinak
This week we talk with Jane Spinak, author of The End of Family Court: How Abolishing the Court Brings Justice to Children and Families. Jane is a Clinical Professor of Law Emerita at Columbia Law School, where she directed clinical programs in family regulation for forty years. In this episode, Jane traces her journey from working…
Read MoreCatching Up with Michael Farris
This week we talk with Michael Farris, constitutional law scholar, founding president of, and the former CEO and president of Alliance Defending Freedom. In this episode, Michael responds to a recent Washington Post article about his role in the parental rights movement and gives us an update on the projects he’s been working on recently.
Read MoreNew York’s ACS and Disproportionality with Joyce McMillan
This week, we talk with Joyce McMillian. Joyce is a thought leader, advocate, community organizer, educator, and the Founder and Executive Director of Just Making A Change for Families (JMACforFamilies). Joyce walks us through her work advocating for families that find themselves caught up in New York’s child welfare system, the Administration for Children’s Services…
Read MoreGiving the Choice to Parents, with Melissa Moschella
This week, we talk with Melissa Moschella, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Catholic University of America, where her teaching focuses on bioethics and the moral and political status of the family. Melissa is also the author of To Whom Do Children Belong? Parental Rights, Civic Education, and Children’s Autonomy. Melissa explains her argument that parental…
Read MoreFamily Court and the Fourth Amendment, with Anna Arons
This week, we talk with Anna Arons. Anna is the Impact Project Director at the New York University Defense Clinic and formerly the acting assistant professor of lawyering at the New York University School of Law. She’s also an assistant professor of law at the Saint John’s University School of Law. In this episode, Anna…
Read MoreMeet the Vice President, with William Wagner
This week, Michael talks with William Wagner, vice president of the Parental Rights Foundation. William is a distinguished Professor Emeritus of Law at the Western Michigan University Cooley Law School, and founder of Salt and Light Global. William has served as a federal magistrate judge in the U.S. Courts, as Legal Counsel in the U.S…
Read MoreAdvocating for Parents’ Rights with Erin Phillips
This week, we talk with Erin Phillips, president of Power2Parent, an organization uniting parents who want to advocate for their children’s education. Power2Parent is based in Nevada, but maintains chapters in many states. Erin tells us about recent challenges to parents rights in Nevada that her organization has faced, plus victories in Nevada and across…
Read MorePreserving Family Connections, with Vivek Sankaren
Vivek Sankaren is a clinical professor of law at the University of Michigan Law School, and director of their Child Advocacy Law Clinic and the Child Welfare Appellate Clinic. He’s authored over three dozen journal and law review articles, including “The Ties That Bind Us: an Empirical, Clinical, and Constitutional Argument Against Terminating Parental Rights”.…
Read MoreReforming the Child Welfare System from the Inside, with Jerry Milner
This week, we talk with Jerry Milner, former Associate Commissioner of the Children’s Bureau in the US Department of Health and Human Services. Far too often, the US child welfare system creates incentives to unnecessarily separate families, harming the children it tries to protect. During his tenure with the Children’s Bureau, Jerry worked to create…
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