Early Victories This Legislative Session

The 2025 legislative session is barely underway, and already we’re seeing victories for parental rights. First, in Virginia, a bill aimed at removing the state’s religious exemption for homeschoolers was defanged in the Senate Committee on Education and Health. Senate Bill 1031 (SB1031), sponsored by Sen. Stella Pekarsky (D-36), underwent numerous edits and rewrites during…

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Letter: US Senate Urged to Track “Hidden Foster Care”

A coalition statement submitted to the United States Senate Finance Committee urges members of the committee and the Senate at large to call for data tracking regarding families divided by the practice of “hidden foster care.” The letter was submitted on June 4 by the Parental Rights Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU),…

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Legislative Highlights: Alabama and Illinois

Over the last few weeks, the Parental Rights Foundation has been hard at work in a handful of states that are tackling parental rights bills in their legislatures. Two of those efforts I’d like to highlight this week are in Alabama and Illinois. Alabama: On to the Constitution In Alabama, state Representative Kenneth Paschal introduced…

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States Sue School Boards Over Parental Rights

First it was New Jersey, and now California: State attorneys general have filed suit against duly elected school boards who have passed policies preventing public school officials (government employees) from keeping secrets from parents about the physical, mental, and social health of the parents’ minor children. And sadly (especially for attorneys general), they seem to…

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Parental Rights Foundation Files Amicus Brief With Texas Supreme Court

On Friday, we filed a major amicus curiae (Latin for “friend of the court”) brief with the Texas Supreme Court in a grandparent visitation case. Our brief argued that courts should not overrule parents’ wishes unless the parents are proven to be unfit by “clear and convincing” evidence.  You can read the brief here. We…

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Our Biggest Court Victory of 2022!

It was our biggest court victory of 2022: the District of Columbia surrendered to a preliminary injunction against DC’s Minor Consent for Vaccinations Amendment Act of 2020, choosing to settle out of court and repeal their law rather than appeal their case. You may recall that the law would have allowed children as young as…

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Presenting Model CPS Reform Legislation to ALEC This Week

Parental Rights Foundation president Will Estrada with Louisiana State Rep. Beryl Amedee at ALEC's 2022 convention in Atlanta.

This week, our president, Will Estrada, is in Atlanta attending the American Legislative Exchange Council’s (ALEC) national convention. Will is presenting our newest model legislation: a bill that state legislatures can introduce to ensure that CPS investigators respect a parent’s constitutional rights when they are investigating child abuse or neglect. You see, far too often,…

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Parents Issue Wake-up Call in Virginia

Will you help us ride the wave? “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach,” said Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe in a debate on September 28, 2021. Those twelve words will live on in infamy in electoral politics. Mr. McAuliffe had led every poll until then. His party comfortably won…

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Standing up for Parents in Family Court, with Judge Ernestine Gray

During her time as a family court judge, foster care rates in her city dropped to just 10% of the national average. How did she do it? This week, Michael talks with former judge Ernestine Gray, who served for 35 years in the Orleans Parish Juvenile Court in Louisiana. Judge Gray explains how she prioritized…

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You’re Invited!

Join us for the Conference on Parental Rights at the Franciscan University of Steubenville October 15-16, 2021. The conference gathers world-renowned speakers to discuss modern challenges facing the traditional role of parents and the erosion of their rights “in recent decades as schools, the courts, and the state have appropriated larger and more far-reaching roles…

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