Featured Question
True or False: A mother in Illinois was twice refused her request to opt her daughter out of sexual education lectures that she found objectionable.
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Question 6
True or False: If you are an American parent, your child's doctor must have your approval before giving your child a vaccination.

Question 7
True or False: A mother in Illinois was twice refused her request to opt her daughter out of sexual education lectures that she found objectionable.

Question 8
True or False: If you make a payment to a Community College for your minor child's tuition, you are entitled to a receipt.

Question 10
True or False: Parental rights are protected in America.
False. If you are unhappy with any of the answers on this quiz, then it should be evident that your parental rights are not protected. Please help us educate and inform the public and policy makers regarding parental rights by donating today.