Double Your Investment in Parental Rights Today Only

Today is #GivingTuesday, the day set aside to “give back” by supporting charities and nonprofits you care about. And thanks to our generous supporters, any gift up to a total of $15,000 to the Parental Rights Foundation will be matched today only.
That means that for every dollar you give to support our work in Congress, state legislatures, the courts, and in the public square, the Parental Rights Foundation will receive two. And your gift will be tax deductible, too!
For more information, including my discussion with PRF President Will Estrada regarding some of our major victories for the cause of parental rights this year, check out our exclusive, informative new EPPiC Broadcast episode here.
Then, spread the word to your family and friends, and please give to support the work of the Parental Rights Foundation in protecting children by empowering parents!
Thank you as always for standing with us in the battle for your family.
Michael Ramey
Executive Director