Email Today to Support “The Brittany Patterson Act” in Georgia

House Bill 552 (HB 552), “The Brittany Patterson Act,” has been introduced in the Georgia legislature and assigned to the House Committee on Judiciary Justice. Today, I am asking for your help to move this bill forward in committee. On October 30, 2024, Brittany Patterson was arrested when her almost-eleven-year-old-son was found walking home from…

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Call to Support SB110 in the Georgia Senate

Senate Bill 110 (SB 110), a bill to revise the definition of “neglect” to provide “reasonable childhood independence” for minors and protect the rights of their parents to give them this independence, is slated for a hearing in the Senate Children and Families Committee either this Tuesday (2/11) or next (2/18). Introduced by Senator Jason…

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Legislative Update: Three Letters

Sometimes, the Parental Rights Foundation lets you know about legislation in the works in your state and urges you to contact your lawmakers to support (or, when necessary, to oppose) the bill in question. Other times, the proper approach is to send a letter of support (or opposition) to the appropriate lawmaker or committee. Already…

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Early Victories This Legislative Session

The 2025 legislative session is barely underway, and already we’re seeing victories for parental rights. First, in Virginia, a bill aimed at removing the state’s religious exemption for homeschoolers was defanged in the Senate Committee on Education and Health. Senate Bill 1031 (SB1031), sponsored by Sen. Stella Pekarsky (D-36), underwent numerous edits and rewrites during…

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URGENT: Contact Your Indiana Senator Today for Parental Rights Bill

Your parental rights—the liberty to direct the upbringing, education, and care of your minor children according to your own conscience—are not protected under Indiana law. But that can change, starting today. Indiana Senate Bill 143 is being heard in the Senate Judiciary Committee this afternoon. SB143 would establish in Indiana law that parental rights are…

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Calls Needed: ND Parental Rights Bill Moves to House

Senate Bill 2260, introduced by Senators Paulson, Lemm, and Wobbema, cleared the Senate on February 10 by a vote of 40 to 6.  This bill guarantees the “fundamental right of a parent to direct the upbringing, education, health care and mental health of the parent’s child” and prohibits any government entity from interfering with these…

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Urgent Action Needed:
Montana CPS Reform Bill in House Committee Monday

SB 181, a bill to require notice of parental legal rights in child and family services cases, is scheduled for a hearing in the House Human Services Committee this Monday, March 20. (Please note that schedules and timing can always change). The bill passed the Montana Senate on a 46—4 vote on January 31 and…

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URGENT: Calls Needed to Advance Parental Rights Bill in Iowa

On February 28, Representative Eddie Andrews introduced House File 486, an act Relating to Fundamental Parental Rights. The bill guarantees the right of parents “to direct the upbringing, rearing, associations, care, education, custody, and control of a parent’s child” and further requires that any “state action infringing on or interfering with this fundamental right shall…

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Calls Needed to Advance Bill Protecting Parental Rights in Oklahoma Public Schools

On February 6, Senator Rob Standridge introduced SB95, prohibiting public schools from providing certain sexually explicit materials to students without written parental consent.  The act prohibits public schools from providing any “sexually explicit material including but not limited to any book or other written medium…to a student…without written consent from the student’s parent or legal…

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