Posts by Parental Rights Foundation
I Am So Grateful!
As we enter the holiday season this year, and as we stop to reflect on the many blessings and victories of 2024, I am so grateful for you! You supported the Parental Rights Foundation as we added Tennessee to the list of states protecting parental rights as fundamental and as we tightened down parental rights…
Read MoreGive Them Peace
There is nothing more disturbing for a parent than finding out the government has come to push you aside in the life of your child. Whether it’s that knock on the door by a child welfare investigator or the realization that your child’s doctor or school administrator has gone behind your back and ignored your…
Read MoreFamily Rights in Medical Investigations
View the model as adopted by the American Legislative Exchange Council. When a parent takes a child to the Emergency Room, they should not have to worry that a forensic investigator is hidden among their child’s care team. When they’re brainstorming what might have happened to their child, they shouldn’t have to worry that every word…
Read MoreThe Common Ground of Parental Rights, with Vivek Sankaran and Michael Farris
This week, we welcome Vivek Sankaran and Michael Farris to the podcast. Vivek is a professor of law at the Michigan University School of Law and Director of their Child Advocacy Law Clinic. Michael is a constitutional law scholar, founding president of the Parental Rights Foundation, and the former CEO and president of Alliance Defending…
Read MoreEPPiC Roundtable: When CPS Is at the Door
They’re some of the scariest questions anyone can face as a parent: What do I do when Child Protective Services (CPS) is at the door? What are they going to do? And what might happen next? This week, the Parental Rights Foundation’s EPPiC Broadcast podcast features a roundtable of family defense attorneys from across the…
Read MoreElection Report: Parental Rights Edition
Yesterday, America went to the polls to decide who will be President and Vice President, who will serve in the 435 seats of the U.S. House of Representatives, and who will fill roughly one-third of the U.S. Senate (called “Class I”). While many weigh winning or losing by how well one major party did versus…
Read MoreHuntington Beach Joins the Fight for California Children
Some thought it was all over when California Governor Gavin Newsom signed Assembly Bill 1955 on July 15. That’s the new law that prohibits local school boards from implementing policies to notify parents before socially transitioning their children. In fact, it was only the beginning. As we reported earlier, within a week of the governor’s…
Read MoreWhat Is the Biggest Threat to Parental Rights?
I’ve been fighting for parental rights for over ten years, and you might be amazed to hear what I’ve come to believe is the biggest threat to parental rights. Because the biggest threat to the legal rights of families in America today isn’t that more than 2,000 children are removed from their families every three…
Read MoreFoundation Files Brief to US Supreme Court
WASHINGTON — The Parental Rights Foundation today filed a brief with the United States Supreme Court in the case of I.B. and Jane Doe v. April Woodard. The aim of the brief is to urge the Supreme Court to halt unnecessary, traumatic strip-searches in child-welfare investigations. “It’s a tragedy,” said Parental Rights Foundation President Jim…
Read MoreReview: They Took the Kids Last Night by Diane Redleaf
Looking for More on the Supreme Court amicus brief? It’s here (and we apologize for the extra click). —Michael T. Ramey, Executive Director Published in late 2018, Diane Redleaf’s They Took the Kids Last Night: How the Child Protection System Puts Families at Risk is an excellent read. Redleaf, who works with our lobbying arm in…
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