Removing Parents from Public Schools

No Parents Allowed

As a parent of a public-school child, you may not have any say in what, when, or how your children are taught about controversial subjects. Meanwhile, even local schools and state departments of education are losing authority over education decisions to a smaller and more centralized group of “experts” who are further away from and…

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Mom Investigated for Neglect: “There’s Something Really Wrong”

“For something like this to happen to me, there’s something really wrong.” That is the thought of a lot of good parents who suddenly find themselves caught up in a child welfare investigation without cause, and it’s the exact words of Wilmette, Illinois, mother Corey Widen to the Chicago Tribune last week. On August 2,…

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Medically Kidnapped, Forced to Escape

Mayo Clinic

 Image from Google Earth of a Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. Here we go again. Just when I started to think nothing would surprise me anymore, the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota held a teenager hostage a la Justina Pelletier, working to cut her parents out of the picture and take control of the girl’s healthcare…

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The “Age of Fear” in the “Land of Surveillance”

The "Age of Fear" in the "Land of Surveillance"

It’s one of the toughest balancing acts you face as a parent: how to teach your child independence and self-reliance while keeping them safe in a dangerous and interconnected world. I say “interconnected” because, as wonderful as connection is, in some instances it can cause more harm than good. A key example: anonymous reporting. You…

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New Guidance Protects Student Privacy, Parents’ Rights

New Guidance Protects Student Privacy, Parents’ Rights

New Guidance from the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) is bolstering protection for student privacy, while sending a warning to organizations who might abuse the ACT and SAT testing systems for your child’s data. Background Traditionally, students registered and paid for the tests on their own with parental consent. The nature of the privacy relationship…

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Alfie Evans: A Judge, Not Parents, Decides a Baby’s Fate

Alfie Evans

Picture from #ALFIESARMY Twitter page Earlier this year, the world watched as baby Alfie Evans’ fate was decided, not by his loving, fit parents, but by a judge. Below are some news articles on the case, along with brief commentary. Alder Hey spent more than £145K on legal fees – This article explains that the…

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Charlie Guard: Do Parents or Judges Decide?

The United Kingdom’s highest court has determined it was in Charlie Gard’s “best interest” for his parents to give up on him and watch him die. The European Court of Human Rights sadly agreed. Under European law, this rendered Charlie hopeless, his parents powerless to intervene. His parents raised more than $1.6 million in private…

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Medical Child Abuse: Sean’s Story

Gary and Nancy took their nine-month-old son, Sean, into his “regular pediatrician’s office” (p. 25) because he seemed to be having trouble moving around. Due to an orthopedist not being able to see him quickly, though, they wound up at a hospital. At the hospital, Sean was subjected to a skeletal survey and CT scan…

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Medical Child Abuse: Justin’s Story

Imagine taking your 35-day-old infant, who had been ill since birth and under medical care, into the hospital due to vomiting and being told that the CT scans showed “an acute skull fracture” (p. 33). In reality, baby Justin did not have a skull fracture, but no one knew that yet. His parents had no…

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Medical Child Abuse: Baby Richard’s Story

Imagine finding yourself accused of child abuse because you can’t explain how your four-week-old baby fractured his leg. That’s exactly what happened in the case of baby Richard. The parents simply took their 4-week-old baby boy to the hospital for a swollen leg, and then found themselves accused of abuse. To prevent losing custody, they…

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