Giving Tuesday is an international day of giving. It takes place on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, and was created as a counterbalance to the consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The purpose is to promote a mindset of generosity and compassion through encouraging everyone to donate to charitable causes. The end-of-year timeframe is also ideal for tax purposes, as all donations to 501(c)(3) nonprofits are tax-deductible.
Peace in the Schools
From student data mining, to schools blocking parents from knowing what's taught in the classroom, to school health programs making medical decisions without parental input, to lawsuits against parents for choosing homeschooling - families face many threats to educational peace.
Peace in CPS Investigations
Even though up to 83% of all CPS investigations are closed as unfounded, every investigation brings intrusion into the peace of the family - especially when children are subjected to the overwhelming trauma of unnecessary removal from their homes.
Peace in the Doctor's Office
There are so many instances of doctors claiming child abuse after a parent doesn't agree with their recommended course of action. Beyond that, threats such as medical kidnapping and child abuse pediatricians can get in the way of parents' peace of mind when their child needs medical treatment.